Buy storage for your MSP needs or resell at your price

S3 Compatible Storage Integrations

Monthly Plans
50 TB

$222.75 /month

100 TB

$445.50 /month

200 TB

$891.00 /month

300 TB

$1336.50 /month

400 TB

$1782.00 /month

500 TB

$2227.50 /month

More Plans

600 TB

$2673.00 /month

700 TB

$3118.50 /month

800 TB

$3564.00 /month

900 TB

$4009.50 /month

1000 TB

$4450.00 /month

Subscribe to yearly plans

Save 50%*

on the first year


Yearly Plans View Multi-year plans Go back to yearly plans
50 TB

$2227.50/year $1113.75 first year

$4455.00 $3341.25 for two years

$6682.50 $5568.75 for three years

100 TB

$4455.00/year $2227.50 first year

$8910.00 $6682.50 for two years

$13365.00 $11137.50 for three years

200 TB

$8910.00/year $4455.00 first year

$17820.00 $13365.00 for two years

$26730.00 $22275.00 for three years

300 TB

$13365.00/year $6682.50 first year

$26730.00 $20047.50 for two years

$40095.00 $33412.50 for three years

400 TB

$17820.00/year $8910.00 first year

$35640.00 $26730.00 for two years

$53460.00 $44550.00 for three years

500 TB

$22275.00/year $11137.50 first year

$44550.00 $33412.50 for two years

$66825.00 $55687.50 for three years

More Plans

600 TB

$26730.00/year $13365.00 first year

$53460.00 $40095.00 for two years

$80190.00 $66825.00 for three years

700 TB

$31185.00/year $15592.50 first year

$62370.00 $46777.50 for two years

$93555.00 $77962.50 for three years

800 TB

$35640.00/year $17820.00 first year

$71280.00 $53460.00 for two years

$106920.00 $89100.00 for three years

900 TB

$40095.00/year $20047.50 first year

$80190.00 $60142.50 for two years

$120285.00 $100237.50 for three years

1000 TB

$44550.00/year $22275.00 first year

$89100.00 $66825.00 for two years

$133650.00 $111375.00 for three years

How much does IDrive® e2 storage cost?

Have more queries?

As a reseller, can I use APIs to manage customer accounts?

Yes, you can integrate entire user management in any of your internal systems by using Reseller APIs. Perform user operations such as creating users, removing users, listing users, viewing storage usage etc. You can also perform storage operations such as list regions, enable or remove regions for users, and add or remove access keys.

How do I invite users?

You can invite users from the web console or via API. Read the API documentation for more details.

The user will receive a link in email to create IDrive® e2 account. All users will be listed under the 'User Management' tab.

Learn more


  • *The pricing discount is valid for the first year. For subsequent years standard billing will apply.
  • If you exceed account storage limit, there may be an overuse charge of $0.005/GB/Month. To avoid these charges, you may upgrade to higher storage plans.