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IDrive lets you exclude files/folders present in your computer from being backed up by using the Exclude files / folders feature from the Settings tab. You can exclude files/folders based on full path names or partial names.

To exclude files/folders from your backup operations based on full path names,
  1. Select files/folders with full path names under SettingsExclusions.
  2. Right-click anywhere on the box, and select Insert Files /Folders.

  3. Browse and select a file, and click Save Settings.
  4. To delete a file from the exclude list, right-click a file and click Delete.
To exclude files/folders from your backup operations based on partial names,

  1. Select Files / Folders with partial names from SettingsExclusions tab.
  2. Right-click anywhere on the box, and select Insert partial file name or Insert partial folder name.

  3. Enter the partial file/folder name you want to exclude from backup.

    To exclude files/folders meeting a specific criterion, simply specify this criterion in the exclude list. 

    Examples for excluding partial folders:

    • name
    Add the name to the exclusion list and any folder, in any path, with that name will be excluded from backup.
    For example, you want to exclude all folders with invoices from the backup. If these folders are named Invoices, add the same to the exclusion list.

    • ????name
    Exclude any folder that starts with a known number of characters and  ends with a specific name.
    If your invoices folder has standard naming such as May invoiceSep invoice, etc. you can then enter ????invoice to the exclusion list. 

    • name*
    Exclude any folder that starts with a specific name.
    If you want to avoid backing up folders that contain sensitive information, say folders named Finance 2021Finance 2022, and so on, enter Finance* to the exclusion list. To specify the word length, enter Finance?????.

    Examples for excluding partial files:

    • *.ext
    All files of the specified extension will be excluded from the backup.
    For example, to skip the backup of all text files, simply enter *.txt.

    • name.ext
    All files of the specified name and extension will be excluded from the backup.
    If you want to skip backup of all PDFs named Whitepaper in various folders. Add Whitepaper.pdf to the exclusion list.

    • ???name.ext
    Exclude all files with known numbers characters in the name, ending with a known word, and specified file type.
    For example, you want to exclude the invoices in all folders from the backup. Your invoices may have standard naming such as Feb invoice and be in PDF format. You can then enter ????invoice.pdf in the exclusion list.

  4. Click Save Settings.
  5. To delete a file from the exclude list, right-click a file and click Delete.
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